Don't worry - no spoilers. I wouldn't do that.
I tore through The Lost Symbol as quickly as I did Angels and Demons and The DaVinci Code...about 2-3 days. I'm a bit ambivalent about it. Obviously the speed at which I devoured the book is a good indication that I found it pretty enticing...and yet, somehow it left me a little cold. I loved the Washington DC setting and the expected historical tie-ins throughout the plot. However, I found some of the science aspects to be a little too new-agey and esoteric to suit my taste, and I saw the twist at the end coming a mile away, so the ending kind of fizzled out for me personally. Still an enjoyable read overall, and I'm sure anyone who enjoyed Dan Brown's previous novels will find The Lost Symbol to be squarely in the same ballpark. My copy is currently making the rounds of my friends and family. Perhaps when it's back in my possession I'll give it a re-read and see if it sits better the second time around.
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